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Client Charter

We commit to providing our Customers with:

  • Efficient, effective and timely professional advice and service.
  • Courteous treatment, rendered in the spirit of mutual respect.
  • Clear and concise information and educational materials, so that clients are aware of and understand their legal obligations.
  • Fair and impartial treatment, delivered to all without preference or favour.
  • Confidentiality and integrity in ensuring that client information is used only for the purposes allowed by Law.

In exchange, RSL expects the following from all Taxpayers:

  • Full compliance with all legal tax obligations.
  • Honesty and integrity in providing accurate and complete information.
  • Timely filing of returns and payment of all taxes due.

In the interests of transparency and good governance, you have the right to:

  • Request an explanation of any tax decision.
  • Object to and appeal any tax decision.
  • Request that we advise you of the procedures to be followed in lodging an objection or appeal.
  • Insist on knowing the name and identification number of the person serving you.